
Counters are a fundamental component of LaTeX that help you keep track of numbers and sequences, such as page numbers, chapter numbers, and section numbers. They are essential for creating structured documents with consistent formatting and numbering.

Counters in LaTeX

Counters are a powerful feature of LaTeX that can help you create professional-looking documents. In LaTeX, each counter is associated with a command that increments or decrements its value, and another command that displays its value. You can also define custom counters and associate them with specific commands to suit your needs.

By using counters, you can automate the numbering of various elements in your document, such as equations, figures, and tables. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if you have a large document with many numbered elements.

Creating a new counter

To define a new counter in LaTeX, you can use the \newcounter command, which takes one argument representing the name of the new counter.

Here's the basic syntax:


Set an initial value for the counter

You can set an initial value for the counter using the following command:


Here's an example of creating a new counter and set an initial value for it:




I define a new counter called mycounter.

The value of mycounter is \themycounter.


Now the value of mycounter is \themycounter.


This example generates the following output:

counter example

In this example:

  • A new counter named mycounter defined using the \newcounter command.
  • The value of mycounter printed using the \themycounter command.
  • The value of mycounter set to 5 using the \setcounter command, and print the new value of mycounter using \themycounter.

Incrementing and decrementing the counter

In LaTeX, you can increment or decrement a counter using the following commands:

Latex CommandDescription
\addtocounter{countername}{value}Adds value to the current value of countername
\stepcounter{countername}Increments the value of countername by 1
\refstepcounter{countername}Increments the value of a given counter by 1 and makes it possible to reference the counter using the \label and \ref commands.
\setcounter{countername}{value}Sets the value of countername to value

Accessing counter values

In LaTeX, there are several commands for accessing and printing counter values. Here are some of the most commonly used:

Latex CommandDescription
\thecounternameUsed to print the value of a counter in a specific format. For example, \thepage prints the current page number.
\value{counter}Returns the current value of the specified counter.
\arabic{counter}Used to print the current value of a counter as an Arabic numeral.
\roman{counter}Used to print the value of a counter in lowercase Roman numerals.
\Roman{counter}Used to print the value of a counter in uppercase Roman numerals.
\alph{counter}Used to print the value of a counter in a lowercase alphabetic letter.
\Alph{counter}Used to print the value of a counter in an uppercase alphabetic letter.

Here's an example of printing counter values:




The current value of the counter in arabic numerals is \arabic{mycounter}.

The current value of the counter in lowercase roman numerals is \roman{mycounter}.

The current value of the counter in uppercase Roman numerals is \Roman{mycounter}.

The current value of the counter in lowercase alphabetical characters is \alph{mycounter}.

The current value of the counter in uppercase Alphabetical characters is \Alph{mycounter}.


This example generates the following output:

printing counter value

Built-in counters in LaTeX

In LaTeX, there are several built-in counters, which are automatically created when you compile your document. These counters are used for various purposes, such as keeping track of page numbers, section numbers, equation numbers, and item numbers in lists.

Here are some of the most common built-in counters in LaTeX:

  • part This counter is incremented each time a new part is started in a document.
  • chapter This counter is incremented each time a new chapter is started in a document.
  • section This counter is incremented each time a new section is started in a document.
  • subsection This counter is incremented each time a new subsection is started in a document.
  • subsubsection This counter is incremented each time a new subsubsection is started in a document.
  • paragraph This counter is incremented each time a new paragraph is started in a document.
  • subparagraph This counter is incremented each time a new subparagraph is started in a document.
  • page This counter keeps track of the current page number.
  • equation This counter is incremented each time a new equation is started in a document.
  • figure This counter is incremented each time a new figure is started in a document.
  • table This counter is incremented each time a new table is started in a document.

You can use these counters in your document by referring to their names and using the appropriate commands to access and modify their values.

Here's an example of using a built-in counter in LaTeX:

No section is created yet.

The section number is \arabic{section}.

\section{First Section}
This is the first section. \\
The section number is \arabic{section}.

\section{Second Section}
This is the second section. \\
The section number is \arabic{section}.

\section{Third Section}
This is the third section. \\
The section number is \arabic{section}.


This example generates the following output:

section counter value


  • In this example, the built-in section counter used, which is incremented every time a new section is created.
  • The current value of this counter printed using the \arabic{section} command.
  • Since we haven't started a new section yet, the value of the section counter is 0.