Title page

Welcome to the 'Title Page' section, where you'll learn how to create and customize the opening page of your LaTeX document. Whether it's for a professional report, thesis, or presentation, mastering the title page sets the stage for a polished document.


In LaTeX documents, title pages serve as the opening pages that introduce your document's content. They are significant because they set the tone for your work, providing essential information such as the title, author, date, and often an institution or logo. The title page is the first impression readers have of your document, making it crucial for creating a professional and engaging introduction.

Key title page elements

Title page elements in a LaTeX document are the components that collectively provide essential information about the document and contribute to its visual presentation.

Here are the key title page elements:


The title of a document is the main heading or name of the document, typically appears in a larger and bold font at the top of the page. It can be set using the \title command and is often followed by the author's name and date.

\title{Document Title}


The author(s) of the document can be specified using the \author command.

\author{John Doe}

In order to specify multiple authors for a document, you can use the following commands to separate names:

  1. Using \and command to separate authors (side by side):

    \title{Multiple Authors Example}
    \author{Author 1 \and Author 2 \and Author 3}
    % Rest of the document

    This example generates the following output:

    multiple authors example
  2. Using the plain double backslash \\ to separate authors (one below another):

    \title{Multiple Authors Example}
    \author{Author 1 \\ Author 2 \\ Author 3}
    % Rest of the document

    This example generates the following output:

    multiple authors example


The date of document creation or the date of the latest revision is typically located under the author's name. It can be specified using the \date command. You can provide a specific date or use the \today command to automatically insert the current date;

% The \today command inserts the current date in the document.

% Alternatively, you can provide a specific date in the format \date{YYYY-MM-DD} or {Month YYYY}.
\date{August 2023}

The \maketitle command

Once you have defined the title, author, and date in the preamble, you can use the \maketitle command in the document body to generate the title, author, and date information based on the provided values. For example:


\title{Document Title}
\author{John Doe}



% Rest of the document


This example generates the following output:

maketitle commnd example